Our Precious Girls

Our Precious Girls

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas this year was a little different for us..... Since Ella was born, we have always gone to Aliceville, and for 31 years, I have woke up at my parent's house on Christmas Day and I liked it that way....even after Ella was born. Two years ago, I said that it would be the last year we would do Christmas Day there....then I caved the next year... This year, Cameron and I decided that we would stay here and Santa would come here, and we would relax and enjoy being a family together....We decided going up to Aliceville a few days later would be just fine.... I still had mixed feelings about it a week or so before Christmas. Christmas Eve, a sweet friend invited us over to their Christmas Gathering....it was nice....and I might add that they live in our neighborhood, so that made it even better.... We came home and put our pajamas's on and made Santa some cookies.

Ella and Emory must have been very good this year....

Christmas morning I couldn't wait for them to get up.... Ella jumped up as soon as she realized it was morning, Emory, on the other hand, slept until about 9:30.....

Breakfast made by yours truly....
The girls played all day and we spent most of the day in our pajamas....After lunch, Cam and Ella went to see a movie, and Emory took a nap while I cleaned up and had a moment to myself... It was nice... 

Cam and Ella went to see a movie while Emory and I stayed home. Emory took a nap and I cleaned and had some quiet time to myself... It was nice! We later went to eat dinner with some friends and I was thankful for their invite!
It was a great Christmas! It was fun to start our own Craker traditions!
We left a few days later to go to Aliceville.... That will be the next post... :)

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